Class Layer1ApiUserMessageModifyIndicator

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class Layer1ApiUserMessageModifyIndicator
extends java.lang.Object
implements Layer1ApiStrategiesEchoMessagesLayer.StrategyEchoMessageFromLayer
Describes adding or removing indicator Note that you need to remember fullName. This is a name that will be used to adress your indicator by any external parts (for example online indicator calculations). This name will be unique trough all indicators unless you initialize indicators with same owner class and same user name. This filed will be initialized in message constructor and can be access after
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • Layer1ApiUserMessageModifyIndicator

      public Layer1ApiUserMessageModifyIndicator​(java.lang.Class<?> strategyClass, java.lang.String userName, boolean isAdd, IndicatorColorScheme indicatorColorScheme, Layer1IndicatorColorInterface colorInterface, IndicatorLineStyle indicatorLineStyle, java.awt.Color defaultTooltipBackgrondColor, java.awt.Color defaultTooltipTextColor, IndicatorDisplayLogic indicatorDisplayLogic, java.lang.Double indicatorMinMarginPriceOut, java.lang.Double indicatorMaxMarginPriceOut, java.lang.Double minLimitsRange, BoundsInfo boundsInfo, Layer1ApiUserMessageModifyIndicator.GraphType graphType, java.lang.Boolean isSupportWidget, java.lang.Boolean isShowColorSettings, java.lang.Boolean isEnableSettingsFromConfigPopup, OnlineCalculatable onlineCalculatable, AliasFilter aliasFilter)
      Note that you need to remember fullName. This is a name that will be used to adress your indicator by any external parts (for example online indicator calculations). This name will be unique trough all indicators unless you initialize indicators with same owner class and same user name. This filed will be initialized in message constructor and can be access after
      strategyClass - class of strategy, creating this indicator
      userName - name that will be visible to user i.e. in bottom panel context menu
      isAdd - true if message is adding indicator, false if it's removing indicator
      indicatorColorScheme - if not null, indicator colors will be assign according to given color scheme
      colorInterface - this will be used to set / get colors described by indicatorColorScheme
      indicatorLineStyle - indicator line style, if null default line style will be used
      defaultTooltipTextColor - if user has no settings for this indicator color, this color will be used as default for drawing text in graph tooltip(background will be of defaultGraphColor)
      indicatorDisplayLogic - can be null, default logic will be applied. If provided logic violates provided indicatorMinMarginPriceOut, indicatorMaxMarginPriceOut or minLimitsRange, limits will be modified to fit into provided arguments
      indicatorMinMarginPriceOut - if not null, indicator's limits will be recalculated when there is less then that amount of indicator range empty space by either border
      indicatorMaxMarginPriceOut - if not null, indicator's limits will be recalculated when there is more then that amount of indicator range empty space by either border
      minLimitsRange - if not null, indicator's limits range (max - min value) can't be less then minLimitsRange
      boundsInfo - minimum and maximum values of widget null to indicate no predetermined bounds (will be determined on fly)
      graphType - position of a graph (or NONE). Null will default to NONE.
      isSupportWidget - true if widget is supported, false if widget is not supported
      isShowColorSettings - (temporary) if false, no color settings will be available via popup menu
      isEnableSettingsFromConfigPopup - if true, config popup settings icon will open corresponding strategies dialog tab
      onlineCalculatable - if not null, indicator will be calculated for chart online
      aliasFilter - if null, indicator will be displayed for all aliases, otherwise only for ones defined by filter
    • Layer1ApiUserMessageModifyIndicator

      public Layer1ApiUserMessageModifyIndicator​(Layer1ApiUserMessageModifyIndicator message)
    • Layer1ApiUserMessageModifyIndicator

      public Layer1ApiUserMessageModifyIndicator​(Layer1ApiUserMessageModifyIndicator message, boolean isAdd)
      Copy of message with overriden isAdd
    • Layer1ApiUserMessageModifyIndicator

      public Layer1ApiUserMessageModifyIndicator​(java.lang.Class<?> strategyClass, java.lang.String userName, boolean isAdd)
      Note that you need to remember fullName. This is a name that will be used to adress your indicator by any external parts (for example online indicator calculations). This name will be unique trough all indicators unless you initialize indicators with same owner class and same user name. This filed will be initialized in message constructor and can be access after
      strategyClass - class of strategy, creating this indicator
      userName - name that will be visible to user e.g. in bottom panel context menu
      isAdd - true if message is adding indicator, false if it's removing indicator
  • Method Details

    • applyNameModifier

      public void applyNameModifier​(java.lang.String modifier)
      Use if you need to distinguish strategies with same user names For example, could be when creating strategies with same names for different aliases Modifier should be applied before sending this message
    • predictFullName

      public static java.lang.String predictFullName​(java.lang.Class<?> myClass, java.lang.String myName)
      There is no guarantee that value returned from this method will be the same as indicator's full name
      Do not use this method to predict strategy name
    • builder

      public static Layer1ApiUserMessageModifyIndicator.Builder builder​(java.lang.Class<?> strategyClass, java.lang.String userName)
      Creates builder to build Layer1ApiUserMessageModifyIndicator.
      strategyClass - class of strategy, creating this indicator
      userName - name that will be visible to user e.g. in bottom panel context menu
      created builder
    • getOwnerUserName

      public static java.lang.String getOwnerUserName​(java.lang.Class<?> ownerClass)
    • toString

      public java.lang.String toString()
      toString in class java.lang.Object